SaMMF Workshop on Inflation
Friday, August 26, 2022
In much of the developed world, inflation is racing upwards at a pace not seen in a generation. But why is this happening? And what does it mean for the rest of the economy? The Search and Matching in Macroeconomics and Finance (SaMMF) group was pleased to host a workshop on current research that aims to answer these questions.
10:30 am — 11:30 am EST: “The Rise, Fall and Stabilization of U.S. Inflation: Shifting Regimes and Evolving Reputation” by Bob King and Yang Lu
11:30 am — 11:45 am EST: Break
11:45 am — 12:45 pm EST: “The Subjective Inflation Expectations of Households and Firms: Measurement, Determinants, and Implications” by Michael Weber, Frances D’Acunto, Yuriy Gorodnichenko, and Olivier Coibion
12:45 pm — 1:00 pm EST: Coffee Break
1:00 pm -2:00 pm EST: “A Fiscal Theory of Trend Inflation” by Francesco Bianchi, Renato Faccini, and Leonardo Melosi
2:00 pm -3:00 pm EST: “Unemployment and the Distribution of Liquidity” by Zach Bethune and Guillaume Rocheteau